“JICA Group Training Course on Improvement of Port Cargo Transport Efficiency for African Countries” was completed. OCDI | International Coastal Development Institute for Port and Coastal Excellence



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“JICA Group Training Course on Improvement of Port Cargo Transport Efficiency for African Countries” was completed.

The captioned course started on October 29th and was completed on November 22nd, 2018 . We welcomed 18 trainees from 13 African countries.

< Participated countries >

  1. ・Algeria
  2. ・Angola
  3. ・Benin
  4. ・Burundi
  5. ・Djibouti
  6. ・Egypt
  7. ・Kenya
  8. ・Mozambique
  9. ・Namibia
  10. ・Nigeria
  11. ・Senegal
  12. ・Sudan
  13. ・Tanzania