Training activities
As part of its "human resource development" training activities, OCDI was commissioned by JICA to implement the following four training programs in 2024.
The programs encourage participants to understand and learn about policies, systems, technologies, and initiatives in Japan's port sector.
JICA issue-specific training: Port development and planning (for port engineers)
JICA issue-specific training: Port maintenance and management planning
JICA issue-specific training: Port security capacity building
JICA issue-specific training: Port strategic management
The duration of each of the above training courses varies, but the shortest ones are around three weeks and the longest ones are around two months, during which port-related personnel from public institutions in developing countries learn while staying in Japan.
The standard structure of the above training courses is as follows:
・Country report presentation(1)
(1) Country Report: A summary of the current situation and issues in the port sector in the participant's country before coming to Japan
Opening ceremony
Country report presentation
Welcome reception
・Discussion among trainees
・Visits to various domestic ports(2)
(2) Ports visited: Hakata Port, Hiroshima Port, Kanmon Sea Route, Kashima Port, Kobe Port, Minamata Port, Nagoya Port, Onahama Port, Osaka Port, Tokyo Port, Tomakomai Port, and Yokohama Port (in alphabetical order).
Discussion 1
Discussion 2
Port visit 1
Port visit 2
・Closing ceremony, return home
(3) Action plan: A summary of measures to address issues presented in the country report based on the knowledge and experience gained through lectures, exercises, and visits during the training.
Action plan presentation
Closing ceremony
After returning to Japan
Implementing the action plan
For the above training programs, the application guidelines will be sent to the host country's government via JICA's overseas offices or Japanese diplomatic missions four months prior to the start of the training program, and applications can be made from then on.
Please note that JICA will confirm the developing country's desire to participate in the training program through Japanese diplomatic missions overseas around June to August of the year prior to the implementation of the issue-specific training program, and therefore countries that do not request participation at this time will not receive the application guidelines.