The JICA training course on “Sustainable Port Development and Planning (for Port Engineers)” was held online from October 2020 to March 2021.
Ten people from 5 Asian countries (Cambodia, the Philippines, Samoa, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam) took the course from October 28 to December 23, 2020 while 6 people from 5 countries (Egypt, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, and Sri Lanka) participated in the course from January 21 to March 18, 2021.
Various lectures on technology related to port development as well as issues facing ports throughout the world were given with the aim of assisting participants in solving problems related to port development in their own countries.
The online format presented some challenges compared to training in Japan but trainees participated enthusiastically in the course and used the on-demand option to review lectures when necessary.
In addition to lectures, this training course also includes site visits to ports which will be resumed once it becomes possible to visit Japan.